Tom Henry’s concept for the book cover, painted on cardboard Tom Henry at work in Menard’s print shop Tom Henry with wall of greeting cards affixed to bunk Tom Henry creating greeting cards in the prison cell. Tom Henry’s three children: Winkie , Thomas, and Jeremy in Streator at time of sentencing Tom Henry’s sons sitting on church planter/sign he designed and built Tom and Faith’s second marriage was the Thursday evening service. Lodebar, the house not even cockroaches would live in. Patty’s grave in Streator Henry’s mugshot when he was arrested in 1970. Pic-A-Pac Liquors, where Henry bought his booze just before the murders. Winkie at time of the murders, two years old Winkie as baby The El Camino Restaurant Patty with stylish ’60s hair Patty in Joilet Henry and Patty at Patty’s Prom Henry and Patty at Henry’s Prom Home that Russell Hillenbrand built with Henry’s help. A young Henry Hillenbrand Young Henry all dressed up. Henry and sister with Grandma An aerial view of Menard Correctional Center. The old Guard Hall Building at Menard Correctional Center. Courtesy of Katherine Baskin.